Meet Shamsael
Name: MichaelCharacter Name: Shamsael
Born: June 29, 1983.
Hobbies: Computer Programming, Industrial Music, Realms of the Dragon, Movies, Breathing, Reading, but never using, role-playing game rules.
Past Characters: A lot of names you'd never recognize. Zat is all I am to be saying on zat subzect, since zis name vas to haf been created for ze purpose of hiding mine identity from ze ugly peoples who were not liking me.
Occupation: I slice deli meats, and the occasional finger, at the local A&P food store, a wretched place, that.
Education: Currently attending a subpar community college in pursuit of an associate degree in computer science. Maybe someday I'll afford a real college.
Bio: I reside in sunny, smelly, Brick, New Jersey, in the lovely, loathsome, county of Ocean. I've got very few plans for the future, but the ones I do have are vague enough to be applied to most any situation, so I guess you could say I'm all set.